Monday, 16 October 2017

Best Sexologist in Pitampura Explained Complications during the Menstruation Cycle

A woman menstruates every month to get rid of her uterine lining. The uterine lining formulates itself to produce a fertilized egg every month so that a woman can conceive. The fertility of a woman is directly connected to her menstrual cycle, says the best Sexologist in Delhi. Females bleed during their periods because when the egg is not fertilized, the lining sheds which comes out in the form of blood. On an average, the cycle lasts from 3 to 10 days with moderate to heavy bleeding depending on the individual body and hormonal balances. During the menstrual cycle, some females experience certain complications which make them feel irritated and sometimes exhausted during their cycle.

Best Sexologist in Pitampura mentions some of the most common complications that some woman experiences during their cycle:

Menstrual cramps – this is the most painful situation for a woman who is experiencing it. Typically, the pain is caused when the womb contracts to push out the blood. Medically, the condition is known as dysmenorrhea and it can be classified as primary and secondary. Primary dysmenorrhea occurs due to the menstruation, while, the secondary dysmenorrhea is triggered by the condition of endometriosis or uterine fibroids.

Heavy bleeding – This is caused by the uterine fibroids, which are a benign tumor that develops in the female since their birth. In some cases, it is not at all harmful; on the other hand, in certain cases, it leads to very heavy bleeding during the menstruation and a woman sometimes also continue to bleed even between the periods.

Missed periods – The condition is called amenorrhea. This is also classified as primary and secondary. Primary amenorrhea occurs when a girl doesn’t start to bleed by the age of 16. Whereas, secondary amenorrhea is when the cycle stops for at least 3 months without any observing cause. However, the cycle stops during the pregnancy and can behave abnormally after the pregnancy for up to some months or a year, says the best sexologist in Delhi.

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Factors Contributing to Erectile Dysfunction

According to the best Sexologist in Delhi, erectile dysfunction is a common sexual condition among men that may lower their sexual desire and affect their relationship with their partner as well. There can be both psychological and physical factors that can contribute to the condition. Thus, ED is a very common condition in men as they age. However, certain Erectile Dysfunction treatment in Delhi are available that can help the patient to fight and overcome the disorder and pleasure their partner just like ever before. 

Factors contributing to ED are:

·        Age – as mentioned above, man’s age plays a crucial role to develop an inability to sustain an erection

·        Vascular problems – as an erection occurs as the blood flow to the penis, therefore, men with vascular problem where there is not sufficient blood flows to the penis, a man may experience impotence or erectile dysfunction

·         Health conditions – certain health conditions like diabetes and blood pressure can lower a sexual sensation

·       Alcohol and drug usage – basically, alcohol, smoking, and drug consumption already leads to numerous health complications and so does to impotence as well. 

·       Protective barriers – for some people, condoms and other precaution methods work as a sexual barrier because they experience low sensation during the intercourse with the partner
·      Medications – certain medications and prescribed drugs such as antidepressants, narcotics, and heart medications may decrease the sexual desire that results in no or less erection.
·        Stress and anxiety – this is the most common factor and almost every man has experienced ED at some point in their life due to specific stress and anxiety. This can be due to work stress, relationship conflicts, long-term disease, death of close ones, sexual performance in bed, etc.

Types of ED:

Nervous system, muscles, blood vessels, hormones, and emotions can also play affect the erection. Hence, a man can be a candidate of erectile dysfunction treatment in Delhi for not experiencing any of the types of erection: 

·         reflexive (occurs due to physical stimulation)
·         psychogenic (occurs due to mental or visual associations)
·         nocturnal (usually occurs during nap time)

Saturday, 7 October 2017

Great Foods to Stop Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is the most common sexual condition in most men. This occurs when a man ejaculates early during or before the sexual intercourse without fully satisfying the sexual desires of the partner. In a survey report, it is found that around one in three men accepted that they have experienced the condition at some point in their life. As far the issue is not frequent, it is not a matter of concern, but, if a man experiences it frequently and leave the partner with the unsatisfied sexual desires, then it is something to worry about. Consult the doctor and if the situation demands, undergo the premature ejaculation treatment in Delhi to lead a happy and confident living all once again. Unmet desires can result in relationship conflicts, loss of affection, and partner disloyalty; therefore, it is essential to get the condition treated as soon as possible.


For most men, the question is what actually causes premature ejaculation?
There can be certain psychological factors and imbalance of brain chemistry may result in the cause. The psychological factors, however, include:
  • Anxiety for performance
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Past relationship failures
  • Poor sexual experience in the past like sexual abuse
  • Loss of love and chemistry between the partners
  • Religious beliefs
If you experience certain influencing factors or have recently undergone a premature ejaculation treatment in Delhi, then the following food intake can help you prevent the condition or get recover soon, respectively.

Zinc food – Zinc is essential for a better blood circulation in our body. The mineral can also boost the libido as it improves the production of testosterone hormone in men. Zinc-rich foods include oyster, crab, meat, chicken, lobster, nuts (like almonds, cashews, and oatmeal), and pork chop.

Vitamin D – Fatty fish, tuna, mackerel, salmon, orange juice, egg yolks, soy, cheese, milk, and beef liver are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin D which increases the level of testosterone hormone.

Cereals – Cereals are rich in thiamin, iron, niacin, and riboflavin that help to stay longer in bed.