Monday, 19 June 2017

Tips by the Sexologist in Delhi to Conceive a Baby

Are you planning to start your family? But don’t know which the right time to start is? Even in the era of digital technology, there are many couples who are unaware of the right time to conceive.


Still, they hesitate to visit a Sexologist in Delhi and keep trying without consulting a doctor. And failure even after several of attempts makes them feel depressed and they eventually, start believing that their partner is having fertility problems. However, this is not probably the case most of the time. After several attempts, when the couple decides to visit the Gynecologist, they come to know that the problem was with the partner, in fact, they were getting intimate at a wrong time and in the wrong manner. Most couples believe that appropriate time and position doesn’t matter if the both partners are actively fertile. However, this is just a myth because time and position is the key if a couple is planning to start their family. And hence, when a female partner is most fertile, it turns out to be an ideal time to conceive.
How to know the most fertile time?
A sexologist in Delhi states that a woman is said to be most fertile at the time of her ovulation that is the middle of the menstrual cycle. The body of a woman releases more grown-up eggs in the course of the ovulation. The egg takes nearly twelve hours to get completely fertile and once it is fertilized, that will be the most appropriate time to conceive without having much stress. The fertile period starts around the third week before expecting the next menstrual cycle.
What happens after the ovulation?
A Sexologist in Delhi further mentions that once a woman reaches her ovulation time, the egg can survive for up to 24 hours and the sperm can live for three to four days. Hence, it is advised to have an intercourse during this period of time as it will increase the probabilities of getting pregnant.